最佳答案:mutual understanding for each other's advantage
最佳答案:Promote the people know about each other.
最佳答案:语言不通常常阻碍相互了解Not knowing each other's languages is often a hindrance to understan
最佳答案:人心惟危〖解释〗惟:句中语气词;危:危险.指人心险恶,居心叵测 .〖出处〗《 尚书 ·大禹漠》:“ 人心惟危 ,道心 惟微,惟精惟一 ,允执厥中 .”
最佳答案:Olympic spirit is the spirit of mutual understanding,friendship,unity and fair p
最佳答案:在表示 "什么什么的" "某人的" 这种意思的时候用所有格比如:my father's chair 我爸爸的椅子 Jim's mother Jim 的妈妈但是
最佳答案:We think that (our) business should be based on understanding and trust each oth
最佳答案:It is a good way to know each other well by learning the cultural differences.Do