最佳答案:Capability/Ability determines everything/anything.注ability sth that you are able
最佳答案:I'll tell you the hobbies of my sister and I.
最佳答案:There are things that I don't talk to you. But it doesn't mean that I don't give
最佳答案:“上善如水”、假名:じょうぜんみずのごとし英文(罗马字):JOZEN MIZUNOGOTOSHI简称是jozen,其官方网站是:www.jozen.co.jp/
最佳答案:Something precious has been embedded in my heart permanently.这样说才像英语习惯表达吧用engrav
最佳答案:Give me a pivot, I can prize up the earth. 阿基米德说滴 以下是摘自“HEARTSGROW - 见习魔法师 三级”的答
最佳答案:Let us have chicken to eat tonight.
最佳答案:At the mercy of flow days,Stand by the changed things.想了半天.只能想出这样简单又富含寓意的句子啦