最佳答案:师兄啊~居然在这里遇到你~我觉得是拉杰柯维~PS 我是zheng hao 求你的msn~
最佳答案:我来试试,用机器翻译出来的错误很多,我还是自己来,第二段难些,花了点时间。 Name: Nicholas CopernicusNationality: Po
最佳答案:Marie Curie (1867-1934) the French nationality Poland scientist, the research ra
最佳答案:My favorite movie is a Polish one called XXX,which told that a high school stude
最佳答案:Polish composer and pianist Chopin was born on March 1st, 1810 in Warsaw suburbs
最佳答案:Chopin was born in a small village near Warsaw.He had shown his talent in music
最佳答案:显然,坐在我面前的这个活力四射的年轻人,属于后者.Obviously,the energitic young man sitting in front of m