最佳答案:susscess needs to be cultivated by tears and sweat
最佳答案:No pains,no gains.“不劳无获'之意,即“一分耕耘,一分收获”
最佳答案:I learn many things.No pains,no gains.I understand many things.As you sow, so wi
最佳答案:1 as an olld daid gose:no pains,no gains2 Success relys on people,s own efforts3
最佳答案:为你提供迄今唯一正确的译法.望喜欢.Our achievement through hard work and our perception of creati
最佳答案:同意楼上所说,汉英有别.用英语翻译这种句子,这是不可完成的任务!不过我还是要接受挑战,请楼主要加分哟!Six decades of trek through t
最佳答案:care not the gains but the progress/painsdo at pains,one gets better gainssimles
最佳答案:Honesty is a seed to be cultivated into beautiful life. You keep cultivating it,
最佳答案:Today I am very honored to get first of English contest.I'm very excited about t