最佳答案:What he said does not agree with waht he did
最佳答案:In this way,I disagree his idea.
最佳答案:How long had we hugged on that day?当然我是对的!楼下的语法错了,正确回答应该是:how long did it last t
最佳答案:不 要郁闷 啊! 大家都尽了力. 我们好感 激每 一位回答 的 朋友. 到目前为止, focuson you 比较适合, 还翻译 得 很好 呢.即 使 是 中
最佳答案:if you ask help for the teacher,you can clarify this question.what he did does n
最佳答案:It seems that the couple is going to end their relationship,because they disagre
最佳答案:If the order code and the system code are inconsistent,we can not receive orders
最佳答案:Dear Amy,Please kindly note that your bank has informed our bank to arrange for