最佳答案:A cognitive survey on Teenagers' Hypertension-related KnowledgeAbstractObjective
最佳答案:well。。。我和楼上一样的。。拿金山翻译软件翻译的。。。结果帮我来了句“对不起。。您的答复与他人重复”。。又没法删额 so就这样上来了。。
最佳答案:First,rational dietSecond,exercise regularlyThird,limit alcohol and stop smoking
最佳答案:1.keep fit2.improve one's immunity3.take precautions against coronary,respirator
最佳答案:wearable wireless sensor network refers to a wireless network that nondeliberate
最佳答案:1积极参加体育活动 take part in sports activity2高血压 high blood pressure3采用某人的建议 take one'
最佳答案:Abstract: objective :To investigate the nursing of hypertension. Methods :two se