最佳答案:【desperate】adj.绝望的; 由绝望而引起的; 铤而走险的,孤注一掷的; 急切的,极度渴望的【breath】n.呼吸; 一口气; 呼吸力; 微量【网络
最佳答案:你写的不对而且逻辑也错了吧你写的是思念是痛的呼吸我觉得应该这样写:Missing is pain that can breath.breath是动词,breat
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最佳答案:I feel so painful , I can hardly breathe.Dear(Darling) the way you chose is so c
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最佳答案:The air after the rain is fresh.i have not met such fresh air for a long time.th
最佳答案:1.keep fit2.improve one's immunity3.take precautions against coronary,respirator
最佳答案:【摘要】 Abstract:目的 探讨CRAMS院前创伤评分系统对院前创伤急救病人病情预知的临床意义.Objective: To discuss the cli
最佳答案:后两句The fish say: I have no tears, actually feel solidified in water, tears in hi
最佳答案:First,make the person's head looked up slowly backwards.Secondly,examine the per