最佳答案:“不想当将军的士兵不是好士兵”翻译为英文正确的应该是:A soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a g
最佳答案:if I has been given more time
最佳答案:Thanks for your cooperation on providing her the visa.
最佳答案:Travel Service Co.,Ltd这应该是最地道的.Ltd是limited的缩写,有限的Co是company的缩写,意为公司.一般不表示楼上说的cor
最佳答案:The beautiful smile that you've obtained,is equal to what you've given.如果是英语的话,按
最佳答案:people.there have paid inadequate attention to environmental protection
最佳答案:英语中这种祝福其实不说这么详细,就是Best wishes,Looking forward to hear from you你要非得像你说的那样就会特别奇怪
最佳答案:1.giving is more important than receiving2.share love for love
最佳答案:关键在于 将来 和 能所以应该是i wish i could give you a perfect life in the future