最佳答案:去年寒假,我在老家“享受”了一个假期。而且有一天还钓了鱼。 那天天气晴朗,下午太阳很猛,我和哥哥一起去钓鱼。来到了一个池塘,哥哥和我就马上专心致志的摆弄起鱼竿来
最佳答案:My country lifeI like to live in the countryside. I live in a small village. The
最佳答案:乡村风光 没有高楼大厦,没有繁华街道,乡村有它独特的风光。 早晨,清脆的鸟叫声把人们从梦乡中唤醒,一缕阳光从窗户中逃进来。打开门,呼吸着清新的空气,前方有一片树
最佳答案:It is really hard to say which is better than the other,city life or rural life,
最佳答案:City life and country life,which is better?The answer is not certain.People who
最佳答案:there are many differences between city and country. First,the streets in the c
最佳答案:the environment of city and villageNowadays,more and more person and factory lik
最佳答案:可以写景色。开头介绍乡村。第二段写乡村春天的景色,例如春意盎然 生物萌芽。第三段是夏天,例如烈日 还可以写游泳嬉戏。第四段是秋季,例如硕果累累的果实 村子被落叶