最佳答案:He is not dare to say what he think in mind.Shall we start?Does he at home now?I
最佳答案:The thing that is really hard,and really amazing,is giving up on being perfect a
最佳答案:Have you received my letter?It arrived today.I didn't see you sign for it.You ca
最佳答案:Enough?多精辟啊!或者May you finish please?这语气
最佳答案:Can I go now?If you keep go on like this,I will have no money to treat you for a
最佳答案:Dear friends:You have considered?Whether may Qian Fudao my otheraccount number.a
最佳答案:ut,have you done that?那你可以说:What about you?Do you?
最佳答案:Has their grandma retired?I can swallow an egg in one gulpSo can I and Tom.When
最佳答案:过于平淡:too insipid 永恒的幸福:eternal happiness可是,你不觉得这样太压抑了吗?But,don't you feel too re
最佳答案:Dear XXX,How are you going?Have you recieved the goods?We are delighted that you