最佳答案:He agreed to write an article about music for our campus newspaper.
最佳答案:1. Our school was established/founded in 1985.2. The school sits at the lake wit
最佳答案:A very common way to start a conversation is to talk about the weather.When you'
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最佳答案:Converse brings people the confidence which generates great power for them to ge
最佳答案:梦想成真 sogno realizzato一切为了梦想,为了大家 tutto per sogno,per tutti对不起 scusa是的 si不是的 no好不
最佳答案:鄙视机译.1 ,全球汉堡包:麦当劳的辉煌时期已是过去的事了吗?2 ,确定公司的竞争优势,以及如何使这些竞争优势持续下去?3 ,确定该公司的业务层次的策略,以及如
最佳答案:Is touched by your dedication,your love of the lament for the xxxtouche 是“受到感动”的