最佳答案:trademessager 阿里的这个诚信通就是商业用于交流的,是一种工具,按照他们提供的对话工具就行了
最佳答案:" 谦和好礼" " Be modest,amiable and etiquette-loving.""诚信知报" " Be a man of integrity
最佳答案:We will fully consider the following conditions, then we decide whether to serve
最佳答案:Honesty is a seed to be cultivated into beautiful life. You keep cultivating it,
最佳答案:诚信是一种美德,更是一种财富.诚信是我们取信于人的根本,也是我们做人的基本原则Integrity is virtue,a fortune as well.Int
最佳答案:Humanist,the quality first,the technical innovation,the good faithentertains a g
最佳答案:I sing of motherly love,I praise the maternal love,because love makes megrow stu
最佳答案:Thank you very much for your support.We build our collaboration on equity,good f
最佳答案:By occupying the significant regional advantages,applying the concept of behavin
最佳答案:To be Honest,Honorable and Sincere