最佳答案:1、今天是晴天,秋高气爽,很适合户外运动.Today is the cloudless and the bright and crisp fall day, i
最佳答案:January 1, 2009, week 4, it is sunny,xx and I went to the park to play by taking
最佳答案:Today we have excellent air quality.As you can see,the weather outside the windo
最佳答案:有些人说:"你推开窗户会发现外面的空气好新鲜, 也许会有阴天,可是大雨过后依旧是晴天, 难道不是么? 推开窗户,不仅是家里的窗户,更是心灵的窗户,用你的心去想,
最佳答案:Now let me say that my idol Jelloun,I think he is a musical genius,his originali
最佳答案:If today is october 21, thursday, sunny this morning, one of your friends for yo