最佳答案:today we talk about love,our life is filled with love,such as the love between p
最佳答案:对于如此大的房子,这样的价格 已经很便宜了,但是你要把修理的费用考虑在内.This price is very cheap for such a huge ho
最佳答案:we are going to have a meeting to discuss this question.
最佳答案:Our class have(had过去式应该好点) a hot disscussion(debate也可以的)。
最佳答案:discussing where spend
最佳答案:When we were talking about xxx,xxx laughed shyly/embarrassedly.
最佳答案:We should do something meaningful instead of discussing on it in house.
最佳答案:This is unconcerned with our talking about.
最佳答案:The attachment covers our preliminary response after internal discussion,please
最佳答案:The topic for our discussion today is "why we are for or against the gun control