最佳答案:爱动脑筋:have an inquiring mindExamples:1.他很爱动脑筋.He's quite a philosopher.2.她爱动脑筋.Sh
最佳答案:My computer is too slow.很高兴为您解答,祝你学习进步!【语数英科】团队为您答题.有不明白的可以追问!如果您认可我的回答.请点击下面的【选
最佳答案:地道的英文是This year I'll have to start over from senior high again.Hope this helps,c
最佳答案:父母在不远游,游必有方.When parents being alive, we do not travel to the distance. When tra
最佳答案:子曰:「父母在,不远游,游必有方.」 (出自《论语》第四章《里仁》)意思是:"父母在世的时候,不出远门去求学、做官,万一要出远门,必须有一定的去处."The c
最佳答案:Just into a foreign purchase,Chinglish is too hard,please help to translate "und