最佳答案:the cake is made by myself.cook 是煮啊,烹饪啊,蛋糕一般是烤出来的,所以我觉得MADE更好些
最佳答案:No one help me ,it's I that help myself(in my own way).You should know that you
最佳答案:The society is much too falsely ture 。
最佳答案:i just burned the sample you sent me with a lighter,(the results is that) the sa
最佳答案:1.I like to read some books of beneficial mind and bodies.2.I like most to read
最佳答案:If I had only three days to live.If I had only three days to live,I would try my
最佳答案:Everyone has his or her own dream,some people want to be Painters,some want to b
最佳答案:it is bad to copy others' homework.why do you think it is bad?it is the origin o