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最佳答案:This song is dedicated to a guy, i think he can get better than that。 To me,he i
最佳答案:sempre legato:始终连贯dolciss.& dolcissimo:柔和地dim.:渐弱rallent.& ritenuto:渐慢delicatiss
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最佳答案:Millau Viaduct, spans the valley of the River Tarn near Millau in southern Franc
最佳答案:硪是默晨萱,萌洛熏你是我这辈子最最爱的姐妹,某某我想我们的友情这一辈子都是不会变的了.我们相遇在夏天,是个很美很美的季节友情大过天、我爱你不解释译文:I am