最佳答案:唉别看另两个了,看我这个,正确答案.Is your best friend in college now?
最佳答案:Your chair has occupied too much room and you'd better move it away now.
最佳答案:标准一点应该是To strive for mother.strive 努力:付出努力或精力;努力struggle 斗争:努力地对付问题,任务或职责通俗一点或者口
最佳答案:1.你现在最好开车回家.2.你最好早点去学校.3.我上个月飞往莫斯科了.4.她们将在电影院等我们.5.确切的时间是几点?1. You'd better driv
最佳答案:China is the largest smartphone manufacturer in the world. Its domesticdemand fo
最佳答案:The air polution is becoming more severe.I think the main reason for that is man
最佳答案:他把他的一生献给了宇宙飞船的研究(devote)He devoted the whole life to the study of space craft.你最
最佳答案:ls 这google translate.SHe is my deskmate and best friend.We are often together at
最佳答案:At one time,I got to know the next opponent which I have to face had a very stro