最佳答案:Assistance PlanAssistance ProgramSupport PlanSupport ProgramAid PlanAid Program都
最佳答案:vacation plan
最佳答案:Weekly working plan/schedule/scheme
最佳答案:I have a plan.还有一些别的例子.Put forward a new plan.提出一个新计划Knock out a plan匆匆制订出一个计划Ro
最佳答案:1 This is our"torch plan".2 He has made a wonderful lecture.
最佳答案:the second one it's good
最佳答案:提供个性化服务provide with a personal-service量身定制理财计划a customized finacial plan
最佳答案:用Hope不好hope一般用于希望自己怎样所以i wish everyone could achieve their resolutions of the ne