最佳答案:a lot of things,such as writting letters,answering phonecall and guest reception
最佳答案:consolidate,验货的意思、、、consolidate the goods,验好你的货、、、希望对你有帮助,望采纳,谢谢!
最佳答案:Gift guest reception, language translation, transportation, safety protect, medi
最佳答案:1.Reservation will pass down all reservation slips / correspondence the night be
最佳答案:Content abstract:The etiquette is in associates in the process with the human,Ma
最佳答案:一共有C(5 9)=126种可能英语翻译日语翻译均不少于2人,那么英语翻译2人,日语翻译3人:C(2 5)*C(3 4)=40英语翻译3人,日语翻译2人:C(3
最佳答案:In the East side there is a feature wall established which is made of bamboo and
最佳答案:Dear Mary,Thank you for your treatment of leading us around Shanghai.My family w
最佳答案:I started working for this company, as a receptionist. My job has a lot of, for