最佳答案:Each of the parties shall retain one original.这句话在英文合同中比较常见!
最佳答案:i found that the price of the contract you gave me was wrong ,please check it ag
最佳答案:双方协商不成或不同意负责监理的工程师的解释时,按本通用条款第37条关于争议的约定处理.When negotication fails or explanatio
最佳答案:what we can offer are listed in the contract,and we are not available to make th
最佳答案:The voyage charter contract provides the loading limitation or loading rate,and
最佳答案:This project contract for 190204608 yuan, is the amount of "five longitudinal, s
最佳答案:Please refer to the attached contract,pay a planned increase the number to call