最佳答案:I Iove you
最佳答案:1.you are so beautiful and I like you so much!你好漂亮,我好喜欢你!2.you are cute,I like y
最佳答案:反问语气:Don‘t you know that I adore you?疑问语气:Do you know that I adore you?
最佳答案:It's May 20th 2011 taday,I want to tell you that I LOVE YOU !我非常喜欢你!I really lik
最佳答案:Bunny,I love you.Bunny,ich liebe dich.德语的,德语小兔子和英文写法一样.토끼야 사링해~
最佳答案:Even if (it's found) we are from two different worlds and never meant to be toge