最佳答案:It was my birthday yesterday.I got a lot of gifts.All of them were covered with
最佳答案:今天是我的生日,妈妈送给我两只讨人喜爱的荷兰小豚鼠,我可真喜欢啊! 小豚鼠属啮齿类动物,它们长着一双又小又圆的眼睛,小鼻子好象一个探测器,只要一闻到好吃东西的香
最佳答案:My Birthday GiftThis year my mother sent me a gift for my birth day.It looked a
最佳答案:But I found that the presents cost a lot.I gave up buying them.So I went to anot
最佳答案:It was my birthday yesterday. I got a lot of gifts. All of them were covered wit