最佳答案:This is a poem for you,this is my favourite poem,the writer is Ireland/Irish (爱尔
最佳答案:Abstract:Lu you is an famous patriotic poet, southern life over 9,000 were writi
最佳答案:他是一个怀着对美好事物的向往的诗人He is a poet who is in the hope of good things!
最佳答案:snow mountains so wings hideon the pathway have no peoplea old fishman on a boat
最佳答案:独处的灵感是诗人个哲学家们,最有用的东西,他们都赞成独处The inspiration of living alone is a poet the philos
最佳答案:"The great poet "Li Bai is the Tang Dynasty most renowned poet,is talent which t
最佳答案:William Blake was a British poet and devout Christian of the late 18th century a