最佳答案:But I forgot to bring back an English dictionary that was given to me by my Amer
最佳答案:Network graph theory,topological relations,incidence matrix,the basic matrix cir
最佳答案:After reading this article, you can look up those new words you don't know on th
最佳答案:it's not necessary to find in the dictionary which you come across during readin
最佳答案:passion确实只能作名词,可能你记错了,应改为:I am trully sorry if you have to be passionate.如果你只能强颜
最佳答案:I'll love SWALLOW and DOLPHIN till the kindom come.我会爱燕子和海豚直到世界末日.
最佳答案:1.young monkey比较口语2.fantastic and shrewdlyfantastic的意思:幻想的,奇异的,稀奇古怪的shrewdly的意思: