最佳答案:你好!世界尽头的美丽景色The beautiful scenery at the end of the world希望对你有所帮助。
最佳答案:1 Many people pretend that they understand modern art.2 The beautiful sense of t
最佳答案:what a attractive sightseeing!
最佳答案:They visited Yangzhou Middle School and Zhuxi Park this afternoon.It's beautiful
最佳答案:1.站在山顶,我可以清楚地看到城市的景色.Standing on the top of the mountain,I can get a clear view
最佳答案:In the view of all personnel have I most likes..........
最佳答案:This is the most beautiful scenery I've ever seen.
最佳答案:迈克:你现在在干什么?Mike:what are you doing now?刘一:我在马路散步,我看到许多美丽的景色.Liu has always:I tak
最佳答案:with the sun rising from horizen,we reached the top of the mountain, appreciate
最佳答案:春天(Spring)~Spring is coming,it is warm and foggy,the days get longer and the tre