最佳答案:以下是: 等待爱情 的英语Waiting for love to happen.Waiting for love to come.Waiting for lov
最佳答案:如果你只是普通表达/陈述,用一般现在时,如果是映射你自身,曾经发生的事情,也可以加入现在完成时的时态 (个人愚见,如有错,望指正)所以上面说得都行,不过frie
最佳答案:Love is false and the affection is the true
最佳答案:Love nowadays is no longer in one's own hand
最佳答案:Do not understand love,don't understand amorous feelings .根据有道翻译翻译得来.
最佳答案:心系爱情海Aegean Sea is where the heart is.
最佳答案:When a love comes to me who can say loneliness
最佳答案:The highest state of love, is able to withstand insipid unease.爱情的最高境界,就是经得起平淡的流
最佳答案:one is the true love,the other is the deep friendship
最佳答案:Believe only in love and long for a happy family.