最佳答案:You are my life's most important people(你也是我生命中最重要的人)
最佳答案:You are the most important person in my life
最佳答案:In my mind, the most important people in my life is my mother. There are a coupl
最佳答案:My parents say that I am the most important person in their lives.*** 猫迷英语专家团提供【
最佳答案:过眼云烟guò yǎn yún yān【解释】从眼前飘过的云烟。原比喻身外之物,不必重视。后比喻很快就消失的事物。【出处】宋·苏轼《宝绘堂记》:“见可喜者,虽时
最佳答案:I have regarded you as the most important person in my life.
最佳答案:Dai Suncheng, you are the most important person in my life.
最佳答案:you are the most important man in my life