最佳答案:Where there's a will there's a wayNothing is impossible for a willing heart上面两种翻
最佳答案:where there is a will,there is a way.
最佳答案:Where there is a will, there is a way
最佳答案:where there is a will,there is a way !
最佳答案:Strike while the iron is hotPractice makes perfectWhere there is a will,there is
最佳答案:有大志的人事情促使他成功 项羽破釜沉舟 秦朝的天下最终被楚国项羽所得心中有苦的人天都不会辜负 勾践卧薪尝胆 越国靠三千兵马吞并强大的吴国“ 有志者事竟成破釜沉舟
最佳答案:The actor, whose dialogue had only 17 sentences, told me that “Where there is a
最佳答案:有志者事竟成:Where there's a will ,there's a way.破釜沉舟:burn one's boats卧薪尝胆:subject one
最佳答案:How are you doing there? Is everything going well with you? We all miss you a lo