最佳答案:He is still not sure whether to participate in her wedding
最佳答案:万一just in caseif by any chance小心take carebe carefulbe cautious
最佳答案:That I dream of self gets ready for composition on lecture room of the small sch
最佳答案:Everyone has his own happiness.This is what made me feel happy--When I suffered
最佳答案:It seems to rain./It seems that it's going to rain.
最佳答案:I do not need it
最佳答案:The homesick feeling will be more strong during the traditional festival
最佳答案:I'm very very sad.Do you know?
最佳答案:刻舟求剑刻舟求剑 ( kè zhōu qiú jiàn )解 释 死守教条,比喻拘泥成法,固执不知变通.出 处 战国·吕不韦《吕氏春秋·察今》:“楚人有涉江者,