最佳答案:量身定做specially tailored每一件产品都是为客户量身定做的Each of our products are tailored to the cl
最佳答案:create your own fashion to your measure
最佳答案:This set of lessons is specifically tailor-made for you !【英语牛人团】
最佳答案:他们还可以为顾客量身定做独一无二的衣服They provide service of customizing unique attires.They can c
最佳答案:和hè 和诗 唱和 应和 随声附和量liàng 量力 胆量 质量量身定做 (读二声)
最佳答案:I didn't cherish the moment when we stay together in 6th grade,but now I find th
最佳答案:In "Huckleberry,Huckleberry," writing,the "hard work,painstakingly," the Mark Tw