最佳答案:By no means is he considered to be a great explorer.you must feel tired after th
最佳答案:1、他决不被认为是位伟大的作家.(要用到by no means)He is by no means recognised as a great composer
最佳答案:Today I would like to introduce you an outstanding author 作者名字.He is one of the
最佳答案:1.他19岁时完成了学业.He finished his school work at the age of 19.2.GOL生于1564年,卒于1616年.G
最佳答案:1.His object is to be No.1.2.Raining days discomfort me.orRaining days make me f
最佳答案:Virginia Woolf is an important writer in British literature history, the academi