单词填空( )2 plus 4 Five ( )3 is 2 What's 8( )two?It's sixteen.1


  • (How much is/What is )2 plus 4

    Five (minus)3 is 2

    What's 8( multiply )two?It's sixteen.

    15 divided by five is (3 ).

    3 (adds ) six is 9.


    New Year's Day is drawing (near )

    The ole man was ill in (bed )


    The road is (A)repair.

    A:under B:below C:on D:during

    I saw a strange bird in the tree ( C)day.

    A:a B:the C:one D:an

    Can you (d)this more clearly?

    A:talk B:speak C:tell D:say

    What did he (c )at the meeting

    A:speak B:talk

    C:say D:tellHe is in poor ( b)

    A:body B:health C:healthy D:unhealthy


    "No problem,"said the lady with a smile

    What did she say just now?


    He is in (Row One ).Which row is he in?


    Is it a pen or a pencil?


    I have (k)nown her for five years.

    Who are you sm(i)ling at?

    The headmaster gave a sp(e)e(c)h about good manners to the whole school yesterday.