

  • 76. ①local residents can afford a meal in fast food restaurants。

    ②fast-food restaurants are good places for school kids to get after –school jobs。

    ③fast-food restaurants can encourage more people to shop in Brockingham

    77.it’s too expensive to eat in the restaurants。/ why Brockingham families never dine in brockingham ?

    78.that disturbs me / I’m satisfied with / I’m against / I disagree with 。

    79.By banning all fast-food restaurants and discount stores,they take away all the places kids can

    afford to shop.

    80. 普通快餐店在晚饭时间的早些时候最繁忙,这时候正是学生放学后可以打工的时间;而豪华饭店迎合的是吃晚饭较晚的人。
