第二节读写任务 (共1小题, 满分25分)阅读下面的短文, 然后按要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文.Students s


  • Students should do chores and manual work

    Some people think students do not have to do chores and manual work. They think students are trained to be knowledgeable professionals and skilled worked instead of manual workers, so they only have to concentrate on their students.

    This opinion is unacceptable.

    Students have to do chores and manual work before they can develop into physically and mentally able citizens. Only in this way can they be talents of high quality in the future. Take me for example, at 10, I began to work in the fields with my parents. Working in the open air makes me physically strong and mentally refreshed, leaving me in a better condition to study. My parents encourage me to help them around the house and in the fields. They believe that the mixture of mental work and manual work makes a useful person. I am grateful to them as I have developed a strong body and an active mind.