阅读理解-英语阅读理解: Linda Evans was my best friend—like the sister


  • 1.D( We did everything together:piano lessons,movies,swimming,horseback riding.

    When I was 13,my family moved away.) 2.B(Soon we were busy with children and moving to new homes,and we wrote less often.) 3.A( when my brother and then mother died.There was an empty place in my heart that only a friend like Linda could fill.) 4.B(Minutes later I heard a voice that I knew very much,even after 40 years,laughed and cried and caught up on each other’s lives.Now the empty place in my heart is filled.) 5.D(When I was 13,my family moved away.Linda and I kept in touch through letters,申明一下,我自己写的也不一定对,错了别怪我哦!