我过去如此,现在未变,将来亦然.未曾有过凡人识我知我 ---路德维希·凡·贝多芬
谢谢啦,翻译问题I am all that is,was,and will be.No mortal man has e
that is all right I am afraid I have no time是用that is all ri
英语翻译I believe that we will be better and better!I am always
请帮我解释一个句子I had done all that i could; and no man is well ple
英语翻译I knew that she —47—her family and was all by herself.No
The cosmos is all that is or ever was or ever will be
there will be a maths test tomorrow,and i am going ___the no
as a newborn,I am sure you all believe that you will be fed
The picture{is ,was ,will be,has been,can be}{painted,sold}i
I olpe all the things think is turu and will be
英语翻译Ture love is an acceptance of all that is,has been ,will