英语翻译AOZO nail lacquer is used to restore the nail polish dry


  • 先看看你的中文意思,理解后,提出我的改动意见.


    理“稀释剂”你用的 lacquer 是错误的,应当用 thinner 才对.


    “干硬的指甲油”直接用 dried 意思更为明了,或 aged (放置一段时间不用干了的.这个单词查专业词典).

    这样的话,restore 一词改为 dilute 较为合适.

    译为:AOZO nail thinner is used to dilute dried nail polish, suitable for all types of the nail polishes.


    理“产品功效”系指功能,用 function 合适.这里的内容全部是谈的是功能.所以直接用 Function 足以了.

    “恢复正常状态”,这里的“恢复”用 restore 才对,所以 restore its original state.

    “清洁指甲油刷子”有两层意思,一是稀释,二是洗净,所以直接用 wash and clean.

    翻译:Function: The thinner is used to restore dried nail polish to its original state, which has been not used for long. It is used to wash and clean nail polish brush.


    理“使用方法”应指使用与指南两层内容,所以 Usage and guidance (instruction).

    “滴1-2滴”指的是 add one to two drops of the thinner to .

    “指甲油里面”,这个指甲油里面,应当有个瓶子吧,所以 add one to two drops of the thinner to dried-out nail polish bottle,这样才是真正要交代的全部意思,不滴入指甲油瓶子里,是不能稀释,何况怎么摇匀呢.

    “指甲油干硬严重的情况下可以适当增加使用量”,你翻译得应当说不错的,下了一定功夫,但有不到位的地方.这样翻译更为合适,Add some more drops if the dried-out nail polish is in worse state.

    翻译:Usage and instruction: Add one to two drops of thinner into dried-out nail polish bottle and shake evenly to well-diluted state. Add some more drops if the dried-out nail polish is in worse state.



    “远离热源”用 keep it away from heat,意思要交代得更完整些.前面的翻译错在漏掉了 "it".没有 it,请问把什么东西 keep xx away?

    “远离热源,火焰和儿童”,这里的“远离儿童”应当用单独句子来完成才对,在国外,远离儿童的物品,特别重视.所以,It shoud be kept far away from children..

    “吸入”用 inhale 的动名词 inhaling.

    “接触眼睛和皮肤”是指“进入眼睛”与“接触皮肤”,所以用 get into eyes or touch skip.

    翻译:Caution: Keep the thinner away from heat and fire, and it should be kept far away from children. When use, attention should be taken to avoid inhaling, getting into eyes, or touching skin.


    AOZO nail thinner is used to dilute dried nail polish, suitable for all types of the nail polishes.

    Function: The thinner is used to restore dried nail polish to its original state, which has been not used for long. It can be used to wash and clean nail polish brush as well.

    Usage and instruction: Add one to two drops of thinner into dried-out nail polish bottle and shake evenly to well-diluted state. Add some more drops if the dried-out nail polish is in worse condition.

    Caution: Keep the thinner away from heat and fire, and it should be kept far away from children. When use, attention should be taken to avoid inhaling, getting into eyes, or touching skin.
