linux系统的指令问题我这里有些问题 希望懂这个系统懂英文的人能回答我下 谢谢下面的问题对还是错 并且说出原因a) C


  • a) Can anybody write in the tmp subfolder of the root?

    对,根下的tmp子目录为临时目录,默认权限为drwxrwxrwt,允许任何人写入。b) Can anybody read and run from the bin subfolder of the root?


    c) Can the admin write in the sys subfolder of the root?


    sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime)d) Can anybody make a change from the var subfolder of the root?

    否,默认权限不允许root用户以外的用户更改/varls -ld /var

    drwxr-xr-x 14 root root 4096 Jan 292015 /var

    a) You can do anything you want, nobody else can do a thing

    mkdir test_a

    chmod 700 test_ab) You can do anything, and others might see it, but they can't run it or change it

    mkdir test_b

    chmod 755 test_bc) Everybody including yourself can see it, only you and members of your groups can run or change it

    mkdir test_c

    chmod 775d) You and members of your group can run it and see it, those outside the group can't do anything

    mkdir test_d

    chmod 770