Jenny can't play the piano.
jenny can play zhe piano 改为否定句
She can play the piano (改为否定句)00
麻烦老师解答:按要求改写句子. 按要求改写句子. 1. Jenny can play the piano. (改为否定句00
I believe you can play the piano well.(改为否定句)00
My sister likes playing the piano.改为否定句00
He can piay the piano(改为否定句)00
He is going to play the piano.改为否定句00
she can play the piano,too.改为同义句00
I think they are going to play the piano(改为否定句)00
You can play the violin改为否定句00
'Can your mother play the piano?'这句话怎样改为陈述句?00