needs是需要的意思,learning how to do such things 是一个ing形式做主语,单数,故使用第三人称单数needs
learning how to do such things needs lots of practice,为什么填ne
thxI learned lots of things throughout this lab such as how00
a lot of things need 后面应该跟doing还是to do00
修改语法(短文)thxI learned lots of things from this lab such as th00
He needs to spend a lot of time learning English,____?A.need00
There a lot of things to do .00
How t___________ it is to do such a dangerous thing!00
There are still a lot of things to learn to improve翻译00
there are lots of things you can do while camping,such as bo00
I have a lot of things to do00
I have a lot of things to do00