英语翻译原文:“本文以向上、向下各取半层高的单跨 中间层 全焊刚接和带悬臂梁段拼接钢框架为研究对象,通过ANSYS数值模


  • 重新试翻如下,请再仔细审阅,如可以我再答道帖子上去:

    译文:“Taking two types of steel frame as the research objects,which are the all-welded rigidly jointing one,and the splicing one with cantilever beam section,respectively,and both of them are single-span steel frames having a middle layer with upper and lower each half height of the floor.Through ANSYS numerial simulation this paper compares and analyzes the bearing capability,deformation characteristics,stiffness degradation,and energy dissipation and anti-seismic of two types of steel frame under horizontal,vertical,and combined actions caused by earthquake;
