一、1、Liu Xiang runs fast.(改为感叹句)_________ _________ Liu Xiang


  • 更正楼上若干答案!


    1、How fast, runs

    2、was washing

    3、taller than, other student


    1、In/During my free/spare time, I often like go cycling in the country/countryside.

    2、My cousin is a computer engineer. He likes reading (all kinds of) books on/about computer.

    3、I liked drawing when I was young. Now I like listening to classical music best/most.

    4、You speak English very well. Do you teach yourself (English)? 或 Do you learn (English) (all) by yourself?

    5、What a good/nice/great voice! She must be a popular singer(或singing star).

    注:/ 表示可以任意选用其一,( )表示其内可以省略不写.