how much is/are用于询问


  • 首先谈谈how much 的用法.它有三个用法:

    第一:对不可数名词的数量进行提问,how much + 不可数名词.

    例如:I have some milk. 对some 提问,就用how much, How nuch milk do you have?

    再如:There is much water in the bottle. 对much 提问,就用how much, How much milk is there in the bottle?


    例如:This computer is 4000 yuan. 对4000 yuan 提问,就用how much, How much is this computer?

    再如:These flowers are 40 yuan. 对40 yuan 提问,就用how much, How much are these flowers?


    例如:How much do you know about your school?

    再如:How much does she know about the restaurant?

    在理解了how much 的三种用法之后,就可以清楚知道how much is/are 的用法了.是对物品价格的提问.