1)"We will have a big English test tomorrow"


  • 1.此题因为上句提到了“我们明天要英语大考”这件事,所以用Good luck!“(祝你们)好运!”最合适.

    而Best wishes to you!意思是“给你最好的祝愿/祝福!”是宽泛的祝福用语,没有明确的针对对象.也就是说不管对方又没有什么事,你都可以这么说.


    1)被该定语从句所修饰的名词短语是the children,在语法上被称为先行词.

    而关系代词who等于/代替先行词the children,在后面的定语从句中充当句子的主语,所以用主格代词who.

    即完整的定语从句为:who lost their parents in the earthquake = the children lost their parents in the earthquake


    如:We should show our love to the children whom their parents have left.

    即定语从句whom their parents have left = their parents have left whom = their parents have left the children

    此时,whom也等于先行词the children,在定语从句中做谓语动词left的宾语.


    如:We should show our love to the children whose parents died in the earthquake.

    其中:whose parents died in the earthquake = the children's parents died in the earthquake

    此时关系代词whose = the children's.


    show的宾语是主句中的our love或the children,和定语从句的关系代词没有任何关系.