假如你叫李华,参加学校开展的“有困难向谁求助”(Whom doyou turn to when in trouble?)


  • Dear editer:      I am asked to do a survey   "Whom do you turn to when in trouble?".and the result is as follows: 58% of the students asked said they would turn to their friends or classmates,because they are at the same age, and they are easy to talk with and easily understanding deeply each other .30% said they would turn to their teachers and parents,because they love them ,protect them and they are believed in and experenced .only 12% said they would turn to nobody .because they are hard to talk with anybody.Such are what the students are thinking when they are in trouble .What advise you can give us?What should we do to help the students?     Sincerely yours,                                                                                            Lihua                                                                                                    2011.12.5