关于疑问词做主语怎样才能准确的判断疑问词在句子中是什么成分?(指特殊疑问句)比如说:What's your name?中


  • ⑴当主语,如:

    ● When to hold the meeting has not yet been decided.

    ● Where to live is a problem.

    ● How to cope with the rising cost of living becomes a daily discussion topic.


    ● We must know what to say at a meeting.

    ● He could not tell whom to trust.

    ● Do you know how to play bridge?


    ● The problem is where to find the financial aid.

    ● The question is who to elect.


    ● Tom had no idea which book to read first.

    ● Do you have a rough impression how to do it?


    ● Jim is not sure whose to choose.

    ● Mary and John are not certain whether to get married or not.



    ● I could not decide which dictonary to buy.

    =I could not decide which dictionary I should buy.

    ● Jack did not know where to find such a good teacher.

    =Jack did not know where he could find such a good teacher.

    有些动词,如“ask,show,tell,advise,inform,teach”等,可以先有个宾语,然后才接着加上适当的“疑问词+不定式动词” 结构.例如:

    ● The chief technician showed the apprentice how to repair the machine.

    ● Have you told him where to get the application form?

