the prize for.../the prize in.../the prize of...的区别


  • prize in 一般是指在什么比赛或哪个领域里

    比如 She won first prize inthe 100 meters race.

    prize for 是只作为……的奖品的意思 后面一般也是家比赛的名称

    prize of 一般prize是用作值得争取的或有价值的事物的意思 of是在什么之中

    比如 The greatest prize of all is now within our grasp.


    by the way 还有prize on

    比如 He won the prize $200 on the football lottery pools.


    还有 下次最好把这种问题 放在“外语”栏里 这样会解决得比较快 回答的人也会比较多