The twin brothers go to school by bus,改否定句为The twin brothers don't go to school by bus.是因为 兄弟是复数,是复数的助动词用do 此句主语为The twin brotherssam has dinner at the restaurant.改 否定句为Sam doesn't have dinner at the restaurant.是因为Sam是第三人称单数,助动词用does 此句主语为Sam希望采纳,
DO和DOES的用法疑问!The twin brothers go to school by bus.改为否定句用DOs
Do the twins go home by bus?(同义句)Do the twins _____a bus ___00
The children go to school by bus.[改为否定句]00
The children go to school by bus.改为否定句.怎么改?00
I go to school by bus.怎么改否定句?00
I go to school by bus on school days改成否定句00
Do you go to school by bus?00
什么do you go to school?回答:I go to school by bus.00
I usually go to school by bus.否定句00
I go to school by bus.改为同义句00
改为同义句!He always goes to school by bus.(改为同义句) The girl does00