有雪莱英文版的吗?原版 不要翻译的


  • TO —.

    When passion’s trance is overpast,

    If tenderness and truth could last,

    Or live,whilst all wild feelings keep

    Some mortal slumber,dark and deep,

    I should not weep,I should not weep!

    It were enough to feel,to see,

    Thy soft eyes gazing tenderly,

    And dream the rest—and burn and be

    The secret food of fires unseen,

    Couldst thou but be as thou hast been,

    After the slumber of the year

    The woodland violets reappear;

    All things revive in field or grove,

    And sky and sea,but two,which move

    And form all others,life and love.


    By Percy Bysshe Shelley